Technical Projects

Technical Projects

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    Blackjack Game | Personal Project

    Java PC game with JSON for data persistence
    Blackjack Game

    Java PC game with JSON for data persistence

    February 2023 - April 2023

    ·Employed the Big-Bang mechanism to simulate a Blackjack game between a PC dealer and a user player, utilizing over one thousand lines of code and integrating various algorithms to simulate Blackjack rules and user actions;
    ·Designed and implemented a game record management mechanism utilizing JSON as the local database, enabling users to save, manage, and load their game records;
    ·Developed a visually engaging user interface with self-composed sound effects using Java Swing.

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    FrancisHuangHub | Personal Project

    Django-based Personal website with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for UI

    Django-based Personal website with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for UI

    May 2023

    ·Designed and developed a Django website showcasing my portfolio, career updates, perspectives, and media creations, which also features a contact me function to allow users to leave messages;
    ·Utilized HTML5, CSS, and Bootstrap4 packages to create an aesthetically pleasing user interface that is responsive to different devices, including mobile and desktop;
    ·Implemented user account management functionalities such as user registration, login, logout, and restricted access to registered users-only features;
    ·Deployed the whole web application on my personal cloud server with Nginx and uSWGI.

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    LegalQA | Personal Project

    Django-based forum application expanding upon FrancisHuangHub

    Django-based forum application expanding upon FrancisHuangHub

    May 2023

    ·Designed and developed a forum application aimed at providing a platform for law students to discuss legal academic issues which enables only registered users to post questions, comments, and replies with entries presented alongside their respective time and owners;
    ·Implemented a user-editing mechanism that allows only the question owners to edit titles and descriptions, ensuring the integrity of the content.

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    LegalToolKit | Personal Project

    A series of Django-based calculators expanding upon FrancisHuangHub

    A series of Django-based calculators expanding upon FrancisHuangHub

    Mar 2021 - Jun 2021

    ·Created an Economic Compensation Tax Calculator to help Mainland China users calculate their personal income tax owed on economic compensation received after being dismissed by a company;
    ·Built a Sick Leave Salary Calculator that allows users to determine their actual salary for a month that includes sick leave, using two commonly used algorithms in Mainland China;
    ·Implemented a Date Inference Calculator that enables users to calculate dates based on a given reference date and duration, either forward or backward;
    ·Developed a Days Calculator that calculates the total duration between up to five different time periods, useful for tracking project timelines or vacation planning.
